Interesting facts:

A flea can jump 130 times its height. Much like ants, fleas are capable of amazing feats of strength and agility. They can jump 130 times their own height, which makes them a nuisance to deal with within the home. This means they can move from surface to surface quickly and avoid detection.

Ants don’t sleep. Known as the hardest workers of the insect world, ants actually don’t sleep. They stay awake their entire lives.
SOME ANTS PROTECT THEIR NESTS WITH THEIR HEADS - Aside from being able to carry objects 50 times their own body weight, ants display another behavior that is quite spectacular. head to protect its colony from unwanted guests.
Ants cannot chew their food. They move their jaws sideways, like a scissor, to extract the juices from the food.

Cockroaches are attracted to alcohol. Many species of cockroach, particularly the American cockroach are attracted to alcohol. Beer is among the most alluring scents to the cockroach.
A cockroach can live a week without its head. The roach only dies because without a mouth, it can’t drink water and dies of thirst.
Over 5 million children are sensitive to cockroaches.
The German cockroach is the most common cockroach found in and around apartments, homes, supermarkets and restaurants.
Cockroaches can run up to three miles in an hour.

Most rodents are herbivores. The vast majority of rodents are herbivores, and so they only eat plants, nuts, and seeds. Their teeth are ideal for chewing through the tough exterior of most nuts, which unfortunately also makes them ideal for chewing through wiring and other elements in your home!
Rats contaminate and destroy enough food worldwide each year to feed 200 million people.
Termites, though they can be disastrous to your home, are actually a benefit to the environment. Termites are vital to earth’s decomposition of tough plant fibers. But that’s not what’s so cool about these pests. Much of a termite’s life is spent cleaning other termites in the colony! Bacteria and fungal infections can make quick work of termite colonies, which is why they spend such a great deal of time grooming each other to keep the colony clean. A termite’s antennae enable the termite to detect infections while they clean.
When living on a person, an adult female mite can live up to a month.

Crickets hear through their knees.

As many as 100 people die as a result of bee and wasp stings each year.
The Africanized Honey Bee (a.k.a. “killer bee”) has been known to chase people for over a quarter of a mile once they have gotten excited and aggressive.